Thomas Becket...ghost cat...dun, dun, duuunnnn. Some things I just do for myself.
Sorry for the lack of an August blog, but we have been busy around here. Someone, we won't mention any names, was busy watching the olympics and making head dresses, so I had very little access to her computer.
Well, we had quite a time at the Ladies and Princesses a Brunch/Fashion Show. I just remembered to get a couple snap shots, but silly me forgot to get pictures of the fashion show. Everyone had a very good time. I tried to stay out of the way, too many feet about the place. There were 31 guests and models...a complete success.

Afterward, Kay and Celeste were both taking catnaps so I curled up beside them and took advantage of the quite myself. I did feel a bit bad, as I distracted Celeste the night before when she was making the little pies and she burnt 2 batches....oops!
Now we are getting ready for a Dinner With General Ulysses S. Grant on Sept.16. It should be fascinating, so get your reservations in. Mmmm, I wonder if he needs a good mouser?
Until next time, May your catnaps be long and fanciful & your catnip strong!